
       副研究员,硕士生导师,2021年作为中山大学“百人计划”青年学术骨干人才引进至中山大学附属第六医院胃肠病学研究所工作,从事肿瘤学基础研究。主要研究兴趣为:1)利用多组学探索肿瘤干细胞在肿瘤进展中的新机制;2)利用类器官技术构建疾病进展模型;3)肿瘤干细胞与免疫微环境间的交互作用。近五年共发表SCI论文12篇,总影响因子超过140分。以第一作者(含共同)在Cell death and Differentiation、Cancer Research、Hepatology、PNASOncogene等国际主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文5篇,均为中科院I区论文,其中4篇影响因子大于10分。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和高水平医院建设重点培育项目等,担任多本SCI学术期刊的审稿专家。






07/2021-至今,   中山大学附属第六医院,副研究员


1. Yan Q#, Zhang Y#, Fang X#, Liu B, Wong TL, Gong L, Liu S, Yu D, Liu M, Jiang L, Wang X, Wei T, Jia Y, Li L, Sun L, Tang Y, Zhou N, Yuan YF, Li Y, Ma S, Guan XY*: PGC7 promotes tumor oncogenic dedifferentiation through remodeling DNA methylation pattern for key developmental transcription factors. Cell death and differentiation 2021, 28(6):1955-1970.

2. Zhang Y#, Yan Q#, Gong L, Xu H, Liu B, Fang X, Yu D, Li L, Wei T, Wang Y, Wong CN, Lyu Z, Tang Y, Sham PC, Guan XY*: C-terminal truncated HBx initiates hepatocarcinogenesis by downregulating TXNIP and reprogramming glucose metabolism. Oncogene 2021, 40(6):1147-1161.

3. Liu M#, Yan Q#, Sun Y, Nam Y, Hu L, Loong JH, Ouyang Q, Zhang Y, Li HL, Kong FE, Li L, Li Y, Li MM, Cheng W, Jiang LX, Fang S, Yang XD, Mo JQ, Gong YF, Tang YQ, Li Y, Yuan YF, Ma NF, Lin G, Ma S, Wang JG, Guan XY*: A hepatocyte differentiation model reveals two subtypes of liver cancer with different oncofetal properties and therapeutic targets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(11):6103-6113.

4. Yan Q#, Jiang L#, Liu M, Yu D, Zhang Y, Li Y, Fang S, Li Y, Zhu YH, Yuan YF, Guan XY*: ANGPTL1 Interacts with Integrin α1β1 to Suppress HCC Angiogenesis and Metastasis by Inhibiting JAK2/STAT3 Signaling. Cancer research 2017, 77(21):5831-5845.

5. Jiang L#, Yan Q#, Fang S, Liu M, Li Y, Yuan YF, Li Y, Zhu Y, Qi J, Yang X, Kwong DLW*, Guan XY*: Calcium-binding protein 39 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma growth and metastasis by activating extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md) 2017, 66(5):1529-1545.